The Organization Of Thought (T-O-O-T)


7/3/06" Me

prince noble crown king ruler monarch leader admirable awe inspiring motivation bravery intensity deep submerged beneath blue smother conceal hide stow travel journey life adventure trial disappointment sad tears cry fall crash splatter shatter separate shards free unique broken isolate background behind posterior after less value heart love share spread disease germs contaminate dirt worm earth planet vast universe macrocosm encompass surround among like similar relate cousin little small weak innocent helpless compassion infinite growth develop learn discover glory mark identify identity name essence being single among within beat feel discover journey find hot flames ashes phoenix rebirth hindu incarnate trial judgement judge evil individual unite combine graph display front excuse reason confusion mind obey sequester suffer care tease play hurt wound sunder strike refuse rights document write pen ink bleed black spill stain, never get back, return forever stay together partner mate dear letter word spell fairy shelter hide protect defend array display exhibit history remember memories pictures perfect day daylight night star delay late event birth pain heat body exist strain pressure rock thermos form string shape liken mold parallel line wait patient desire suppress restrain capture imprison dark black knight soldier fighter wrong right method approach strategy chess game checker piece chest treasure precious child kid goat beard santa bib lobster boil bubble blow pop sprinkle splatter slow confused thoughtful rest repose couch grape purple royal color crown golden sparkle glisten shroud cloud rain water wet damp shower clean try help heart kindness laughter joyful false wrong twisted wind tornado spin dizzy light double vision see understand know hope feel question why who person people human dare trouble burden bury share exchange understand learn read write think feel need essential desire not empty hollow humid hot summer break snap music sing sound sonic blue ocean salt white addiction mental desire fight allow permit accept must try fail surrender lust dominate control shake flinch shy journey style art statue girl female male trial adjourn pause cease halt stay remain you pieces scraps survive eat little bead shop street asphalt construction build labor work try adventure slayer sword weapon bleed drip sound crack finger touch contact later time clock number land island worship devil trident poseidon god religion contact remember log record future present past specter trace copy fast run speed movement fly hae japan sun kite...


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